Radiologist appointed professor at AU and AUH

Anne Grethe Jurik has just been affiliated with Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital as professor of radiology. The professorship will be used to strengthen both research within radiology in the Central Denmark Region and the study programme in radiology at the university

[Translate to English:] Billedtekst: Anne Grethe Jurik er og har været medlem af både nationale og internationale arbejdsgrupper inden for det radiologiske område, herunder Assensment of Spondyloarthritis Society (ASAS), EULAR task force gruppe, der udstikker anbefalinger til
[Translate to English:] Billedtekst: Anne Grethe Jurik er og har været medlem af både nationale og internationale arbejdsgrupper inden for det radiologiske område, herunder Assensment of Spondyloarthritis Society (ASAS), EULAR task force gruppe, der udstikker anbefalinger til brugen af billeddiagnostik i forbindelse med spondyloartropatier i den kliniske praksis, og endelig i OMERACT (Outcome Measures in Rheumatology clinical trials).

With the appointment of Anne Grethe Jurik, Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital strengthen both their research and radiological competences – particularly in the field of MRI scanning. Anne Grethe Jurik has worked in areas including rheumatoid arthritis, spinal arthritis and special types of arthritis that attack bone tissue in both children and adults.

Over the years, her clinical and research and development work have led to her becoming internationally recognised as an expert in radiology with focus on patients suffering from back pain, and her core competency is arthritic changes to the spine.

"The research findings in the field of spinal arthritis, which predominantly attacks young people, have made a significant contribution to the correct and early diagnosis of these diseases today and in the future, which is in itself important for the course of the disease. Patients with bone inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis have also benefited from the diagnostic knowledge obtained in the field," says Anne Grethe Jurik. "The research findings in the field of spinal arthritis, which predominantly attacks young people, have made a significant contribution to the correct and early diagnosis of these diseases today and in the future, which is in itself important for the course of the disease. Patients with bone inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis have also benefited from the diagnostic knowledge obtained in the field," says Anne Grethe Jurik.

The professorship will be used to strengthen research within radiology in The Central Denmark Region and also the study programme in radiology at Aarhus University, so that graduate medical doctors have the necessary knowledge to make correct diagnoses through the use of the available findings from radiological examinations.

Further information

Professor Anne Grethe Jurik
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Radiology
Tel.: (+45) 7846 2392