Research into cardiac arrest earns PhD award

Mathias Holmberg from the Department of Clinical Medicine is one of this year's recipients of the Aarhus University Research Foundation's PhD Awards, which are given to young researchers with an extraordinary talent. He receives the award for contributing new insight on the incidence and treatment of cardiac arrest.

[Translate to English:] Læge og ph.d. Mathias Holmberg modtager én af Aarhus Universitets Forskningsfonds fem ph.d.-priser for sin forskning i hjertestop. Foto: Anne Kring

While a research year student in Boston, Mathias Holmberg noticed that there was a lack of knowledge about the treatment of cardiac arrest, which is challenging to research as the condition is acute, unexpected and has a high mortality rate. This interest metamorphosed into a PhD degree which he completed in 2020, and the results of which form the basis for Mathias Holmberg receiving the PhD Award from the Aarhus University Research Foundation (AUFF).

With the help of advanced statistical methods, Mathias Holmberg has mapped out the incidence of cardiac arrest in American hospitals and shown this figure to be significantly higher than assumed with 300,000 cases annually. Mathias Holmberg has also studied some of the drugs used in resuscitation attempts, such as adrenaline, atropine and ubiquinol. With the results, Mathias Holmberg has contributed to the international guidelines for the treatment of cardiac arrest.

The Aarhus University Research Foundation makes a total of five PhD awards, one for each faculty at Aarhus University. The award is accompanied by DKK 50,000 in recognition of the award winner’s research.

Watch the video in which Mathias Holmberg talks about his research


Medical Doctor & PhD Mathias Johan Holmberg
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine
The Research Center for Emergency Medicine

This coverage is partly based on press material from the Aarhus University Research Foundation.