Researchers from Health receive DKK 20 million for neuro research

One researcher from the Department of Clinical Medicine and three from the Department of Biomedicine receive Ascending Investigator grants from the Lundbeck Foundation. The grants go to neuroscience research and research into the treatment of diseases related to the nervous system.

[Translate to English:] Søren Dinesen Østergaard, Ditte Demontis, Keisuke Yonehara og Vladimir Matchkov har alle modtaget Ascending Investigator-bevillinger fra Lundbeckfonden.

The Ascending Investigator grants are earmarked for established and talented researchers at Danish universities and hospitals. The following researchers from Health receive grants of approx. DKK 5 million:

Associate Professor Ditte Demontis from the Department of Biomedicine receives a research grant of DKK 4,904,280. Her project investigates the genetics behind substance dependency with the goal of developing a screening tool.

Søren Dinesen Østergaard, professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine, receives a research grant of DKK 5.1 million. His grant will be used in a project that utilises artificial intelligence to identify factors which may help to explain why people with serious mental disorders on average live 10-20 years less than the rest of the population.

Keisuke Yonehara is associate professor at DANDRITE and the Department of Biomedicine. He receives DKK 5,095,870 from the Lundbeck Foundation to study the nerve cell network in the retina.

Associate Professor Vladimir Matchkov from the Department of Biomedicine examines the molecular conditions behind the inhibition of blood circulation in the brain which often follow a stroke. He receives DKK 5 million towards his research project.

The Lundbeck Foundation has made grants totalling DKK 90,138,130 distributed to a total of 18 researchers from Danish universities and hospitals.

This coverage is based on press material from the Lundbeck Foundation.