Talented researchers from the Department of Clinical Medicine receive Elite Research Travel Grants

The Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science awards up to twenty Elite Research Travel Grants annually. The two PhD students from the Department of Clinical Medicine at Health, Anne Maj van der Velden and Kasper Glerup Lauridsen, are among this year’s recipients.

[Translate to English:] Anne Maj van der Velden og Kasper Glerup Lauridsen får hver et EliteForsk-rejsestipendium på 200.000 kr. EliteForsk-rejsestipendierne skal bidrage til, at meget talentfulde ph.d.-studerende kan få længerevarende studieophold ved de allerbedste forskni
[Translate to English:] Anne Maj van der Velden og Kasper Glerup Lauridsen får hver et EliteForsk-rejsestipendium på 200.000 kr. EliteForsk-rejsestipendierne skal bidrage til, at meget talentfulde ph.d.-studerende kan få længerevarende studieophold ved de allerbedste forskningsmiljøer i verden. Foto: UFM/AU.

Elite Research Travel Grants are only awarded to the most talented researchers. Anne Maj van der Velden is one of them. She conducts research into depression with particular focus on the question of why some people have an increased risk of developing recurring depression. She also studies the mechanisms behind effective treatment with mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and antidepressants.

Anne Maj van der Velden will use her travel grant for a longer stay at Oxford University and a shorter stay at Harvard Medical School. During both research stays she will collaborate with leading neuroscience and depression researchers on analysing the function and structure of the brain before and after treatment.

Improving treatment of cardiac arrest

Kasper Glerup Lauridsen is also being honoured with one of the coveted travel grants. He conducts research into cardiac arrest – in particular the treatment of cardiac arrest in hospital. His field of study incorporates how the organisation of the resuscitation team at the hospital effects the quality of resuscitation and the chances of surviving a cardiac arrest.

Kasper Glerup Lauridsen's travel grant gives him the opportunity to visit and carry out research at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania. Here he will work with the leading researchers in the world in the field of resuscitation and will initiate a multi-centre study that will examine whether standardised communication can improve the quality of cardiac arrest treatment in hospitals.

The Elite Research Travel Grants were officially awarded at a ceremony at the Opera House in Copenhagen on 28 February 2019.

Read more about Anne Maj van der Velden (Danish) and Kasper Glerup Lauridsen (Danish) and their research in the portraits on the Ministry of Education and Science website.

You can also read about all of AU's Elite Researcher Prize recipients and specifically about Health’s recipients Elite Researcher Prize recipient: Bears can help us fight diabetes.


PhD student Anne Maj van der Velden
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
School of Culture and Society – Interacting Minds Centre
Email: am.vandervelden@clin.au.dk

PhD student Kasper Glerup Lauridsen
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine
Email: kglerup@clin.au.dk