Three early career researchers receive diabetes grants

Two PhD fellows and a four-year postdoc position have been created with the funding coming from the Danish Diabetes Academy, which distributed over DKK 15 million to promising Danish diabetes researchers at the end of 2020.

[Translate to English:] Fra venstre: Tinne Laurberg, Caroline Bruun Abild og Jonathan Baier modtager hver en bevilling fra Danish Diabetes Academy.

Their research fields range from cardiovascular disease over colorectal cancer to eating disorders in children and adolescents – but all three of the diabetes researchers share a focus on prevention. Each has received a share of a million kroner pool from the Danish Diabetes Academy, which will finance their projects over the coming years.

MD, PhD Tinne Laurberg receives DKK 1.2 million for a postdoc position in which she will work to reduce the increased risk of developing colorectal cancer faced by those with diabetes. This will include increased targeted bowel cancer screenings for the patient group.

Clinical Dietician, MSc Caroline Bruun Abild receives DKK 1.1 million for her PhD project. Here she will develop tools for early detection and treatment of eating disorders in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes.

MD Jonathan Baier receives DKK 1.1 million for his PhD project in which he will uncover why people with diabetes have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. His ultimate goal is to strengthen both the prevention and treatment of the patient group.


MD, PhD Tinne Laurberg
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus
Mobile: (+45) 2033 3009

MD Jonathan Baier
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Mobile: (+45) 4264 7797

Clinical Dietician, MSc Caroline Bruun Abild
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine,
Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus
Mobile: (+45) 6170 6531

This article is based on press material from the Danish Diabetes Academy.