Three talents from Aarhus University share prestigious research scholarship

Three PhD students from Health at Aarhus University have been jointly awarded the sought-after Fogh Nielsen scholarship. The scholarship totals DKK 125,000 and is awarded for outstanding PhD research.

[Translate to English:] Ph.d.-studerende Linn Håkonsen Arendt fra Institut for Folkesundhed modtager Fogh-Nielsen-legatets hovedsum på 75.000 kr. ved årets PhD Day. Foto: Simon Fischel

At Health’s annual PhD Day at Aarhus University the Fogh-Nielsen scholarship was awarded to three specially selected PhDs who are carrying out exceptional research. The distribution of the scholarship was decided by a panel of judges on the basis of a presentation competition that gave each candidate ten minutes to present his or her research project in front of colleagues from the entire faculty.  

This year, the largest portion of the scholarship – DKK 75,000 – goes to Linn Håkonsen Arendt from the Department of Public Health. She receives the scholarship for her research into the correlation between occurrences of congenital abnormalities among infants and specific diseases and lifestyle factors affecting the mothers during pregnancy.  

DKK 25,000 goes to Nichlas Riise Jespersen from the Department of Clinical Medicine for his research focusing on how to minimise the damage that occurs in the heart during an acute heart attack.  

Marie Maagaard Sørensen, also from the Department of Clinical Medicine, also receives DKK 25,000 for her research into the consequences of living with a lesser heart defect.   

The scholarship is awarded for research purposes and is intended to act as project support for new studies on the basis of the research results achieved during the PhD degree programme.


PhD student, Linn Håkonsen Arendt
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health – Epidemiology
Direct tel.: (+45) 2721 0981

PhD student Nichlas Riise Jespersen
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine – Cardiology


PhD student Marie Maagaard Sørensen
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine – Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery
Direct tel.: (+45) 4018 9099