Visit the Science Museums for free

As an employee at Aarhus University, you can visit the Steno Museum free of charge all year round. And from Monday 23 October, you can also visit the planetarium for free.

[Translate to English:] Medarbejdere og studerende på Aarhus Universitet kan komme gratis på museum. Foto: Kasper Hornbæk og Science Museerne
[Translate to English:] Medarbejdere og studerende på Aarhus Universitet kan komme gratis på museum. Foto: Kasper Hornbæk og Science Museerne

'The body as data', Science is a passion' and 'Full moon night at the planetarium'. Sound interesting? As an employee at Aarhus University, you have free admission to the Steno Museum and the planetarium, where you can experience these exhibitions and other exciting things. Health employees contribute to a new exhibition

'The body as data' is a new exhibition which three employees at Health from the research project 'Let the young speak’ (in Danish only) have contributed to. Working with young people, they have helped to develop the exhibition which focuses on young people's "online self".

Although it is primarily intended for young people in the 7th-10th grade (13-16 year-olds), everyone can undoubtedly learn something or other from the aim of the exhibition, which is to get the visitors to reflect more critically on their "online self" and what they share of data and with whom they share it.

"We're certainly selling our time to the tech giants. The question is whether we’re also selling our souls," says Carsten Obel, who is professor of mental child health at the Department of Public Health and has responsibility for the ‘Let the young speak’ research project.

While you can always visit the Steno Museum free of charge as an employee at the university, free entry to the planetarium is a special offer until the end of the year. Please note that during the week of 18-24 October (the Autumn holiday), free entry to the planetarium is suspended.

Bring your Aarhus University ID card to get free entry.

Read more about the Science Museums