Young sclerosis researcher receives European award

Morten Riemenschneider from Department of Public Health receives the Young Investigator Award from The European Charcot Foundation for his PhD project, in which he examined physical training as a supplementary treatment strategy in the early stages of multiple sclerosis.

[Translate to English:] Morten Riemenschneider modtager med prisen 4000 Euro og bliver en del af et community for unge forskere, som forsker i multipel sklerose

Physical training at an early stage of multiple sclerosis appears to have a positive effect on the subsequent course of the disease. This is the conclusion of Morten Riemenschneider's PhD project, which he presented at an international conference held by The European Charcot Foundation. The results from the clinical study gave him The Young Investigator Award at the conference.

Morten Riemenschneider from the Department of Public Health has examined a window of opportunity in the early stages of multiple sclerosis, where physical training appears to be able to minimise damage to the nervous system and build up physical reserve capacity. This means that patients can live a better life with their chronic disease. Physical training as a supplementary treatment strategy for multiple sclerosis is still a relatively new phenomenon, and the award is therefore an important recognition of an emerging field of research.


Postdoc & PhD Morten Riemenschneider
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health
Mobile: (+45) 2285 5185