Qualitative and quantitative somatosensory testing (QualST/QST)


Duration: 2 days

Price: DKK 7500

Number of participants: 2-6

Place: Aarhus

Language: Danish or English

An introductory theoretical and hands-on course on extraoral and intraoral qualitative and quantitative somatosensory testing (QualST/QST)

The aim of the course is to give an introduction to sensory examination of patients with orofacial pain and sensory disturbances for clinical and research purposes.

Target group

Dentists and researchers with an interest in somatosensory function.

Course description


  • General principles and detailed description of the background for qualitative somatosensory testing (QualST) and quantitative somatosensory testing (QST) and psychophysical principles
  • Detailed description of a standardized protocol and how to interpret the data
  • Introduction to Palpeter ® (palpometer for accurate muscle palpation).

Practical and hands-on:

  • Demonstration of QualST and QST with exercises and hands-on QST testing in patients.

Number of participants

The course is designed for 2-6 participants.

Course language

The course will be taught in English or Danish.

Course structure


Day 1Instructor
9:00-9.15Welcome and RegistrationLBH
9:15-10:00Introduction to somatosensory examinationLBH
10:15-11:00The physiology of pain and sensory abnormalitiesPS/LBH
11:00-12:00Psychophysical principlesPS
13:00-13:30Demonstration: QualST and sensory mappingLBH
13:30-14:30Exercise: Mapping after local anesthesia or placeboLBH
14:45-15:15Discussion and questionsLBH

Palpeter ®

16:00Introduction to Day 2 (what to read) LBH


Day 2Instructor
8:30-9:30Standardized QST (extra- and intraorally): German Network protocol, Intraoral protocol adjustments, reliabilityLBH
9:30-10:30Practical details: Guidelines, papers, verbal instructionsLBH
10:45-12:00Demonstration of QST on course participantsLBH, BH
13:00-15:00QST in patients (hands-on)LBH, BH
15:00-15:15 Coffee
15:15-16:00What do the results tell us? Scoring of QST, Somatosensory profiles, LossGain scores, CaveatsLBH
16:00-16:45Discussion/evaluation and course certificateLBH
16.45Guided tour of Section of Clinical Oral Physiology



  • PS: Peter Svensson, DDS, PhD, Dr Odont, Professor and head of Section of Orofacial Pain and Jaw Function
  • LBH: Lene Baad-Hansen, DDS, PhD, Associate Professor
  • SK: Simple Kothari, BDS, PhD student
  • BH: Bente Haugsted, Dental Nurse


Course Material

  • Course material incl. handouts and detailed description of the QualST/QST procedures and examination protocols will be sent by email to participants prior to the course.

Suggested literature

  1. Svensson P, Eliav E, Benoliel R. Quantitative sensory testing for pain responsiveness. In: Green CS, Laskin DM (eds). Treatment of temporomandibular disorders: Bridging the gap between advances in basic research and clinical patient management. Quintessence 2012.
  2. Svensson P, Drangsholt M, Pfau DB, List T. Neurosensory testing of orofacial pain in the dental clinic. J Am Dent Assoc 2012;143: e37-39.
  3. Futurmal S, Kothari M, Ayesh E, Baad-Hansen L, Svensson P. Development of a new palpometer with implications for assessment of deep pain sensitivity. J Dent Res 2011;90:918-922
  4. Svensson P, Baad-Hansen L, Pigg M, List T, Eliav E, Ettlin D, Michelotti A, Tsukiyama Y, Matsuka Y, Jääskeläinen SK, Essick G, Greenspan JD, Drangsholt M. Guidelines and recommendations for assessment of somatosensory function in oro-facial pain conditions – a task force report. J Oral Rehabil 2011;38:366-394.
  5. Baad-Hansen L, Pigg M, Ivanovic SE, Faris H, List T, Drangsholt M, Svensson P. Intraoral somatosensory abnormalities in patients with atypical odontalgia-a controlled multicenter quantitative sensory testing study. Pain 2013 (In press)
  6. Baad-Hansen L, Pigg M, Ivanovic SE, Faris H, List T, Drangsholt M, Svensson P. Chairside intraoral qualitative somatosensory testing: reliability and comparison between patients with atypical odontalgia and healthy controls. J Orofac Pain 2013;27:165-70.

Tuition fee

Course fee per participant:

  • DKK 7500


Duration: 2 days

Price: DKK 7500

Number of participants: 2-6

Place: Aarhus

Language: Danish or English

Course leader

Lene Baad-Hansen

Professor and Deputy Head of Research