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Eva Greibe from Aarhus University won the PhD Cup Live event that was broadcast live on Monday evening on the Danish TV channel DR2. She won the event with her dazzling communication on her study of vitamin deficiency in breast milk. A research…
Thomas Corydon from Aarhus University has just received DKK 125,000 from the Riisfort Foundation. The grant will be used for research into the eye condition AMD.
Henrik Toft Sørensen has just been elected chairman of a new Coordinating Body for Register-based Research. The purpose of the new body is to strengthen Danish register-based research.
A research group from Aarhus reveals how cancer cells change character as a cancer tumour develops and why some cancerous tumours develop very aggressively
Bo Løfgren, a researcher at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital, received the Erhoff Foundation's Talent Prize 2014 on Thursday 15 May. The prize is awarded to talented younger researchers who contribute with extensive and original…
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