Parental training should improve the well-being of children with ADHD

In Denmark, treatment of ADHD primarily involves medicine, but Psychologist Anne-Mette Lange and Professor Per Hove Thomsen from the Department of Clinical Medicine will study how parental training can be implemented for the parents of children with ADHD to improve the well-being of these families. The project receives DKK 4.6 million from the Tryg Foundation.

Psychologist Anne Mette Lange and Professor Per Hove will study the effect of the evidence-based parental training programme The New Forest Parenting Programme in Denmark.

ADHD is a developmental disorder that has consequences such as e.g. 55 per cent of children with ADHD failing to pass the primary and lower secondary school leaving exams in mathematics and Danish. In addition, there is a risk of the children having anxiety disorders and behavioural problems. In Denmark, the most widespread treatment is with medicine. Psychologist Anne-Mette Lange and Professor Per Hove Thomsen from the Department of Clinical Medicine receive DKK 4.6 million from the Tryg Foundation for a project involving a non-medical and timely effort for children with ADHD and their families.

Anne-Mette Lange and Per Hove Thomsen will use the grant to provide access to effective help in the family's local environment. In the project, Psychiatry in the Central Denmark Region and the North Denmark Region will collaborate on the implementation of parental training in the child and family departments of three Danish municipalities. By providing better access to help, the hope is that children with ADHD and their parents will experience better well-being. National and international guidelines recommend evidence-based parental training in the treatment of ADHD in children, but very few children in Denmark or around the world currently receive this type of treatment.

Psychologist & Senior Researcher Anne-Mette Lange
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Centre for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Tel.: (+45) 2877 1566