VIDEO: Meet this year’s Fogh-Nielsen finalists

On June 24, 2022, we can finally open the doors to PhD Day once again. January is swapped for June but apart from that, it’s business as usual with hundreds of posters, flash talks, oral presentations and – according to tradition – the Fogh-Nielsen Competition where three bright PhD students compete on research and dissemination.

There will be lots to take in at this year’s PhD Day as more than 300 PhD students, research year students and students from Healths honours programme present their research.

The event also includes award ceremonies for the JCD-prize honouring the PhD supervisor of the year and the 3R-prize for a PhD student who has worked actively to implement more gentle methods for animal experiments. On top of it all is the big draw of the day; the Fogh-Nielsen Competition where Trine Strandgaard, Peder Berg and Jacob Horsager will compete for the distribution of the cash prize of DKK 125,000 that follows with the Fogh-Nielsen scholarship.

The winner, and the PhD student who receives the largest share of the prize money, will be the person who can give the best ten-minute presentation of his or her research project.

The competition is scheduled for 15.35 in the Per Kirkeby Auditorium and anyone who is interested is welcome to join the audience.  

Watch the videos below to get a taste of the finalists' research.

Trine Strandgaard – Department of Clinical Medicine - “Response to Immunotherapy In Bladder Cancer”
Peder Berg – Department of Biomedicine – ”Cystic Fibrosis Beyond The Airways”
Jacob Horsager – Department of Clinical Medicine – “Parkinson’s Disease – More Than One Disease”

See the full programme for PhD Day 2022, and read more about the event at the faculty website.


Ph.d.-administrator Annika Haarbye Jensen
Health Administrative Centre – PhD Administration
Mobile: + 45 93 50 82 09