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Causes for mental disorders will now be thoroughly investigated. A new grant – the largest sum ever awarded to a Danish research team in this field –…
Tomasz K. Wojdacz, postdoc, PhD from the Department of Biomedicine has just received the prestigious exploratory pre-seed grant of 358,000 DKK for his…
Postdoc, PhD Magdalena Janina Laska has received a donation of 1.6 million dollars to support research of the causes of acute inflammatory disease.…
The Aarhus TROJA project is selected to be presented when the European Research Council (ERC) 29 February celebrates its five year anniversary in…
Annual report on health research in 2010 at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital has been published.
Th ICG-Europe (International Conference on Genomics in Europe ) will take place on 24-26 May 2012 at the Copenhagen Biocenter. The conference is…
Researchers from the Department of Biomedicine, in collaboration with research colleagues at the University of British Columbia in Canada achieves new…
Postdoctoral Soeren Degn Egedal from the Department of Biomedicine receives Lundbeck Foundation Talent Prize for Young Researchers. The award includes…
With 10 million from Lundbeck in the back Monika Golas from the Department of Biomedicine gets the opportunity to intensify her efforts to develop a…
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