Faculty Management Team

The faculty management team is the faculty's senior management.

The faculty management team adopts the faculty's overall objectives and finances, approves the departments' budgets and deals with cases and topics that are common to the faculty's strategic direction.

At Health, the faculty management team consists of the Dean, two Vice-Deans, the five Heads of Department, the Head of Graduate School, the Head of Secretariat, the Administration Centre Manager and the Head of Communications.

The faculty also has an academic council and an advisory board to advise on strategic and academic issues.

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Management team purpose

The purpose of the faculty management is to maintain and further develop a strong health science faculty that will have an impact both internally at Aarhus University and in the surrounding society, both nationally and internationally.

The faculty management team aims to turn the university’s strategy into strategic initiatives at Health, to translate strategies into meaningful actions locally, and to ensure that we obtain a common strategic direction at the faculty. Similarly, the faculty management team will contribute to ensuring that the faculty’s employees are able to influence the university’s strategic direction.

We wish to set the direction for the faculty’s workplace culture and study environment, and to create frameworks and possibilities for development.

The faculty management team aims to co-ordinate across boundaries and work together to address common challenges. We wish to create conditions, frameworks and solutions that are sustainable for the individual departments, so that the faculty as a whole is empowered to implement the strategy and to conduct research, education and knowledge sharing at top international level. As management team, we aim to create cohesion across the faculty, taking into account the profiles of the individual departments.

We wish to work together as a team, increase insight and understanding across departments, and to qualify decisions together. We will focus on synergies, in recognition of each other’s areas, tasks and differences.

The faculty management team must be a secure and confidential forum where we can inspire each other, and where there is scope for knowledge sharing and the exchange of ideas. We must ensure that everyone has a say, and that different perspectives are heard.


"For me, it is important that...

...we in the faculty management team have completely open and unbiased discussions, in which we listen to each other’s points of view and thereby work towards the best common decision for the faculty. Personally, I do my very best to create a space for this."

Vice-dean for Education

"I bring the education...

...-related cases into the faculty management team, and two topics in particular concern me: 1) That we achieve community, shared responsibility and commitment in order to secure the quality of our study programmes, and 2) That we ensure that our bouquet of degree programmes matches the needs of society."

Vice-dean for Research

"I bring the research-...

...related cases to the faculty management. Recruiting the greatest, younger research talents is the prerequisite for a strong university. That is what I am occupied with – just as I focus on our ability to attract funds that allow for free research to flourish.

Administration Centre Manager

Lasse Munk Madsen

Administration Centre Manager

"I greatly appreciate...

...the discussions we have in the faculty management team. We shed light on the topics from different angles and agree on a common position – a kind of basic position, which I can take with me out to the organisation, both in the administration's management team (LEA) and in the administration at Health. The faculty management team creates direction in the best sense of the word."

Secretariat Manager

"The most important task...

...of the faculty management team is, in my opinion, to translate the university’s strategy and direction into concrete strategic initiatives at Health, so that together and across the faculty, we can contribute to achieving the university’s goals. In addition, the department heads are particularly important when it comes to translating the strategic initiatives into action."

Head of Communications

Ulla Krag Jespersen

Head of Communications, Health

"I focus on ensuring...

...that the faculty management team's decisions are communicated in a way that is relevant for the employees. Good communication can strengthen relations and create openness and trust across the faculty."

Head of Graduate School

Helene Nørrelund

Head of Graduate School

"All members of...

...the faculty management team are committed to their respective domains, but our collaboration ensures that we work together for the common good – for example through initiatives that make it easier for individual researchers to finance their research, find relevant partners or develop their teaching. We do our best to secure good study conditions and a good working environment."


"One of my key issues...

...concerns autonomy. In my opinion, the faculty’s departments do not need to do everything in the same way in order to contribute to and participate in a meaningful community. That is why it is also important to me that we as employees and as management can be confident that the community at Health is based on mutual respect for each other’s conditions and visions."

Public Health

Clinical Medicine

"The departments have...

...overlapping tasks and many common challenges, but we operate in fundamentally different contexts, and good decisions by the faculty management team should reflect this. Neither Health nor the individual department is an island, but part of a larger whole, and is for better or worse connected and committed both upwards and downwards in the system."

Dentistry and Oral Health

"It is important to me that...

...in the faculty management team, we create a framework in which all employees are brought into play and can contribute their utmost to education and research, regardless of the work function of the individual employee. We must safeguard proper working conditions, both internally and in our collaboration with external parties, national and international."

Forensic Medicine

"I contribute with...

...the department’s perspective on the topics on the agenda, while at the same time I have an eye for the big picture and the complexity of the faculty as a whole. Our greatest strength as management team is the openness and respect that exists in the group. It is a safe place, which makes it easier to discuss and agree on difficult decisions."