Cell examinations

CellX (The Danish Single Cell Examination Platform) is a national research platform/infrastructure dedicated to single cell and spatial OMICs analysis.

The FACS core facility is equipped with three cell sorting instruments: Two FACSAria IIIs and one MoFlo Astrios. In addition, the FACS core facility also has two analysers at its disposal; a LSRFortessa with 4 lasers as well as a NovoCyte with 3 lasers. Furthermore, facility users have access to a combined microscope and flow cytometer – an ImageStream. The FACS core facility provides services to all research groups at Aarhus University. Researchers from other universities and from business and industry are also welcome.

The Research Laboratories are divided into specialized laboratories within microbiology, cell cultivation, materials research, histology and 3D printing. The laboratories employ five highly specialized laboratory technicians/medical laboratory technicians, all with many years of experience.

We help you perform histology with hands-on training and guidance - or we can handle the entire histology workflow for you.

The Mass Cytometry Unit provides equipment and service for both suspension mass cytometry (SMC, CyTOF, Helios) and imaging mass cytometry (IMC, Hyperion). SMC mixes the fundamentals of flow cytometry with suspension mass spectrometry, and IMC allows the analysis of tissue samples with laser scanning spatial resolution. MCU provides services to all research groups at Aarhus University. Researchers from other universities and from business and industry are also welcome.