Dan Bang


Lektor, PhD

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Dan Bang




I've recently started my lab at Aarhus University, funded by the Lundbeck Foundation. Get in touch to discuss PhD and postdoc opportunities.

My research applies a multi-modal, cognitive neuroscience-based approach to understanding decision-making, learning and representation in humans. I combine behavioural testing, computational modelling, neuroimaging (fMRI) and novel methods for studying neuromodulation in the human brain (human electrochemistry). These approaches allow me to characterise the cognitive processes that underpin behaviour and study their implementation in the brain – all the way from macro-scale changes in bulk neural activity to micro-scale changes in neuromodulator levels. A guiding principle of this work is that neurobiologically-informed computational accounts of human cognition and behaviour are critical for accurate classification, prediction and treatment of disorders of mental health.

If you would like to learn more about my research, then I recommend watching the roundtable discussion with my collaborators Read Montague, Peter Dayan, Ken Kishida & Mike Friedlander (Nov 2023) or my talks on electrochemistry in the conscious human brain (June 2022) and private-public mappings in human prefrontal cortex (Aug 2019).

See my personal website for more information.

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