Marie Louise Bønnelykke-Behrndtz


Klinisk lektor, Ph.D, Klinisk Lektor

Primær tilknytning

Marie Louise Bønnelykke-Behrndtz


  • Kirurgi
  • Modermærkekræft
  • Inflammation




Research profile

Melanoma and inflammation have been my key research fields in recent years and during my Ph.D. studies. These studies have contributed to the biological understanding of ulcerated melanoma and highlighted the importance of determining key trophic signals originating from wound-recruited immune cells. Through my postdoc. studies at Harvard University, of basic science and training in clinical research, I have expanded my knowledge about how inflammation related to surgical trauma is involved in melanoma progression and how these inflammatory cells can be blocked more efficiently.

Current projects involve the investigation of how surgery impacts inflammation, fibrinolysis, metabolism, and the gut microbiome and how perioperative alterations in these pathways associate with prognosis and treatment responses for patients with melanoma. 

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