Michal Frumer


Ekstern lektor, cand.scient.anth

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Michal Frumer




Michal Frumer is an anthropologist, PhD, and researcher at the Department of Research, Horsens Regional Hospital, and lecturer at the Department of Public Health, Aarhus University. Her research considers anticipation, knowledge-practices, and ethics in diagnostic processes and technologies, as well as questions of prioritization and trust in biomedical expertise. Frumer has developed a particular empirical focus on AI, hospital settings, and cancer diagnostics.

Currently, Frumer is exploring AI technologies within image-based diagnostics and sepsis-algorithms.

Her PhD-studies explored pulmonary nodules and the production of ‘pre-cancerous populations’. Here, she explored the ethical and social implications of being under surveillance for lung cancer. Based on ethnographic fieldwork, she explored how the surveillance and anticipation of a future cancer manifest in everyday life in experiences, practices, relations, and ethical predicaments.

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