Disaster Victim Identification Course

This international 5-day course is offered by The Department of Forensic Medicine, Aarhus University, with the patronage of IOFOS (International Organization of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology).

At present, we are planning the next course. We aim at 2025, but the final dates have yet to be decided on. Please stay tuned.

Sen an e-mail to Course Organizer Line Staun Larsen line.staun@au.dk

if you wish to be included in our mailing list.

Course organiser

Dorthe Arenholt Bindslev, DDS, PhD, professor (forensic odontology), certified specialist in orthodontics,  Aarhus University, Denmark, Dept. of Forensic Medicine  Chief Dental Officer in the Danish DVI-team.

Line Staun Larsen, DDS, PhD, Forensic Odontologist. Assist. prof., Department of Forensic Medicine and Department of Dentistry and Oral Health, Aarhus University, Denmark

Internationally recognized teachers

Lectures, exercises and hands-on sessions will be offered by internationally recognized teachers with in-depth experience in forensic odontology and disaster victim identification.

Course participants

The course is open for dentists with special interest in Forensic Odontology, with or without previous knowledge and/or experience in the field.